Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And Winner of Best Aunt Goes To...

Me! In my role as "Seamstress" in the epic horror "Broken Zippered Homecoming Dress...From HELL!"

My alternate title for this post was "How A $5 Goodwill Dress Saved Homecoming."

My niece bought a dress for homecoming online from a company in California, only to receive it with a broken zipper. Not having enough time to send it back and get a new one (as homecoming is this Saturday and SOMEBODY didn't plan ahead), guess who was given the task of ripping out the old zipper and finding a new one to stitch in?

White, 18" zippers are not as easy to find around here as one might think...so I turned to Goodwill. For $5, I found a cute little dress with the right zipper, that worked and the rest of the dress can easily be turned into an apron for me! Yay, win-win!

Taking the zipper out was easy. Stitching one side in, equally easy. Stitching in that other side turned out to be a different kettle of fish altogether! I stitched it once, ripped it out, stitched it again, only to see that the zipper - which I tested repeatedly - was starting to split! It took a little creative sewing, but I think it'll survive the night. She has been forewarned to go easy on it...just in case. I also told her that the alternative was to hand stitch her INTO it! She wasn't too keen on that.

This will be her last homecoming dance, so I doubt I will have to do this ever again. Unless I ever have a daughter of my own. Only time will tell with that one.

For now, though, homecoming has been saved, thanks to that cute little $5 Goodwill dress.

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