Wednesday, September 26, 2012


After 9 months of being a total slacker and not getting my act together to just sit down and take care of my finances, I finally did it! I came down with the flu this past weekend and took advantage of not having the energy to get up and do things around the house, so I made myself start balancing my checkbook. This was no small feat since its been backburnered by the procrastination bug since January! But it's done. And while I don't want to know what I've wasted my hard earned pay on over the past near year (there were a lot...A LOT...of iTune and Amazon purchases), I can run a report to tally it all up individually (I think I'll pass).

I even got the budget set up so I know what I've got for bills, when they are due, what comes out automatically and how much is left over at the end of the paycheck.

I wish I'd kept up with this back when my last job ended and this one began. But hindsight being what it is, we live and we learn! I'm just happy that its done, I'm back on track and I'm ahead on some of my bills!

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