Monday, February 20, 2012

Bread and Jam

When I said that I wanted to make jam from the strawberries in my freezer (that I picked last June), a friend suggested I make freezer jam.  I'd never made it before; I'd never even tried it before, but she said it tasted fresher than the tried and true "Boil It, Can It" method that takes half a day.

So I bought freezer jars, thawed two packs of strawberries, mashed them up with pectin and Florida Crystals (in place of processed sugar)...
 and within a half hour I had five and half jars of awesome tasting jam done and in the freezer (save for the half jar which went into the fridge)!

 Of course, to go with my freezer jam, I had to make bread.  Actually, I had to make bread because I was out and had been for about a week.  I know I could have gone and bought bread, but about a month ago I decided that if I needed it, I'd actually bake it.
No preservatives, no weird additives, just homemade bread.

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