Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation, all I ever wanted...

Today is the official first day of my vacation and I haven't done much, save for laundry and rearranging my room. It's too humid outside to do more than melt, even the chickens are panting. The dog goes out for a minute and is back at the door whining for the sweet relief of air conditioning.

I have lost my ambition to more than lay on my bed and snooze. Some time during this vacation I'd like to clean my craft room and do some quilting.

Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow will be filled with shopping with my mother and aunt (who is visiting from Maryland). Tomorrow I will have the energy to do more than putter around the house in a humidity induced daze!

And Wednesday I will be delivering the meat birds to the meat cutter for processing. Yay!!!!

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