Monday, October 4, 2010

Roasty Toasty

It’s difficult for me to carve out a little time every other October – my job involves campaign work every two years and almost every night is occupied for the entire month of October and into the very beginning of November.

Despite my lack quality time with my home, the pellet stove was finally installed!  It took me a day to figure out how to regulate it, so of course that night it was 65 degrees outside and 80 inside!!  I was sweating so bad, it felt like August…in Texas!  We got a mini heat wave two days later and I couldn’t use it at all, much to my dismay.  But on Sunday, I woke up to 36 degree Maine weather and frost on the roofs – I can’t tell you how quickly I loaded up the pellets and turned that baby on!  When I came back from walking the dog, it was so toasty in the house. 
After 33 years of stacking and hauling wood, loading a wood stove that took FOREVER to heat up, this pellet stove was WORTH the $1300! 

Within 5 minutes, I have heat!  And it’s a constant heat.  I like knowing that it can be turned off…completely…and it cools off within a half in cool to the touch.  None of this wet wood/dry wood, all of a sudden it catches and it’s 180 degrees in the house!   
I love it! Absolutely and I just need to trim that carpet and order up some more pellets!

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