Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Best Thing I Never Bought...(or trash into treasures)

Like every Saturday morning, I headed to the transfer station early to get rid of the trash, the recycling and drop off some old clothes in the free shed (where you bring good stuff that you don't have a use for anymore, but someone else may).  As I was about to leave, I spotted the cat tower below sitting beside the building, covered in cat fur and cobwebs, and looking a little rough around the edges.  

Since these things retail for about $100 and I had been thinking about getting one for Nym and Ellie (but couldn't justify spending that much for something they were going to sleep on and scratch), I threw it in the back of the truck.  I thought, if I can't clean it out and if it's really rickety, I'll just bring it back to the transfer station.  
It took me the better part of an hour to vacuum and clean this thing properly.  Once I got it into the house, Ellie took to it first, laying claim.
Now they both take turns...though they have a tendency to fight over it first, before one gives up and waits for the other to get off of it!

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