Yesterday, I had the urge to serge! I really wanted a new top - something springy; something feminine and flattering. Something I could make using the lovely, gauzy, teal floral fabric that I bought for all of $6 two years ago.
I dug through my patterns and found an old one that I'd never used (don't ask me the name or the pattern number, because its sitting at home on my cutting table, while I'm sitting in my truck on my lunch break). I pulled out the instructions and was amazed to find that it used less than a yard and a half of fabric and consisted of four pattern pieces.
Now I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hate pattern instructions. I often don't use them for anything more than a glancing guideline. This was no different...and I know I stitched this top completely different from how the pattern suggested, but you know, it worked just the same!
The only time consuming part was zigzag stitching the raw edges. I should have broke out the serger, but I was lazy and didn't want to set it up. It would have been faster and cleaner if I had, though and I'll know for next time, because this was such a simple shirt and I will definitely be making it again!
I did have one issue...the size. Its about a half size too small in the waist. So I either I need to drop 5 or 6 pounds before I wear it, or I need to add a panel to each side. Panel it is! :-)
Ahhhhh, learning experiences!
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